360 Referral Program
Earn cash from sales when you promote 360Logic.
The 360 Referral Program has multiple ways to increase your income. Your earnings depend on your membership level and how many visitors to your site, blog, social media or email list click 360Logic links and image banners — and of course how much they spend.
The program is unlike any you have seen before and covers a range of 360Logic products, services, and projects. The 360Logic newsletter keeps you up to date on new releases, promotions and more.
What is an referral program?
Our referral program pays you for sending your customers to our website. Referral marketing programs like ours don\’t require any fees and are easy to set up, so there\’s no risk to you.
View Referral Pay Charts
Earn competitive commission made through your referral link.
Commission Paths
Traditional Link to Sale
Connecting 360Logic with a Business to fill Consulting or Projects Opportunities
What responsibilities does 360Logic have?
We will provide you with the links, banners and information you need to establish yourself as an 360Logic Referral Partner. All you have to do is link someone to our site, provide contact information or make an introduction and we will take care of the rest which includes, of course, paying your commissions.
We do have an Affiliate Agreement that we encourage you to read before applying to become a member of the 360Logic Referral Program.
Though we try to support all types of businesses and growth, do to contractual agreements, we reserve the right to refuse any site, including sites which have objectionable material, such as explicit content or language, or of which represent or support violent or discriminatory acts. We do automatically accept most applications, but we do periodic reviews and will issue notifications of cancellations in such cases.
Thinking out of the box
Earn extra cash with your blog, website, or email newsletter.
Making money as an affiliate is easy. Just make the connection or place one of our banners or links where your visitors, customers, and friends will see it and you\’ll earn cash on every qualifying sale made through your ads.
Get started by joining one of our partner affiliate networks. Email contactus@360logic.org