Today’s Top 10 Security Risks for SMBs
2019 Top 10 Security Risks for SMBsSmall Business There was more data leaked in the first half of 2017 than in all of 2016 combined. The past few months alone have seen the recent KRACK Wi-Fi vulnerability, malware hidden in Windows cleanup tool CCleaner, and of course the Equifax breach that put the sensitive information of essentially every adult in the […]
9 Must Know Secrets About Instagram
As Instagram gets bigger, the more complicated its app becomes. It’s easy to miss some of Instagram’s most clever shortcuts, such as the quickest way to “heart” a photo or preview a snapshot in your feed. There’s also a way to see your geo-tagged photos on a map—or wipe them off the map, for that […]
Why Would I Use a Consultant
What is a consultant? A consultant is an expert or an experienced professional in a specific field and has a wide knowledge of the subject matter(s). A consultant can work permanently on site, a remote office location or a combination of the two. Maybe you only need remote support for a few hours a week […]
Prevent Identity Theft
Identity Theft Identity (ID) theft is a crime where a thief steals your personal information, such as your full name or social security number, to commit fraud. The identity thief can use your information to fraudulently apply for credit, file taxes, or get medical services. These acts can damage your credit status, and cost you […]
What is Phishing? What is the difference between Fishing and Phishing? Phishing is the attempt to acquire sensitive information by masquerading as a trustworthy entity. Phishing emails may contain links or attachments that are infected with computer viruses, worms, spyware, and other malware — things which can severely compromise your ability to use your computer […]
Hack the Web Traffic Algorithm
Stacking the Deck On a previous post, we used a PowerBall Image and provided information about how to play. We did this for three reasons. One, to show that you should always represent what you post. We don’t recommend or condone false representation. Two, we really didn’t know how to play and figured that, like […]
POWERBALL stacking the Deck
Powerball Jackpot: How to Play, Find a Retailer Why are we talking about Powerball. Easy – because of it is an example of a hot topic the brings visitors to your new site monthly. If you check Google Search results, PowerBall has over 5 Million hits monthly. First, we will provide a little info about […]
Bringing a Product Online
360Logic Insider: Bringing a Product on Line, Product Launch, New Product Introduction Process, Launch innovation products, product campaign strategy Successful product launches Today, the pace of news is limited only by the speed of light. The new media incorporates far fewer product outlets; rather, it is made up of a reduced number of slimmed-down (books, magazines, etc.) and an excessive number of specialist writers (on shared online pages). Getting”ink” might be easier, but surprisingly, getting attention has become very very hard. And the attention you do get is forgotten within minutes as the constant flow of even “newer news” pushes your announcement out of the total (of everything or everyone) mindshare. New tactics are required to get the notice you deserve. So here are some steps for a successful […]