Stacking the Deck
On a previous post, we used a PowerBall Image and provided information about how to play. We did this for three reasons. One, to show that you should always represent what you post. We don\’t recommend or condone false representation. Two, we really didn\’t know how to play and figured that, like everything else, if it took us time to put together the research then why not share. Finally, the word Powerball is a monthly relevant term that is searched millions of times. How is that for relevance. Also if you look into the source code you can see many valuable keywords that can be utilized for traffic keyword utilization, Alt image descriptions and add tons of good searchable meta keywords in the code behind the curtains to make crush the search engine ranking algorithm.
Page Source
Find out the keywords your competitors are using is to visit their website and then view the Page Source.
The easiest way is to go to the webpage of your choice and either right click and choose \”view source\” or just press F12 or Alt F12 and the source code will pop up.
You can then search for these tags to understand the keywords your competitors are using on their website.
- title – This tag is a headline description of the page and is the way Google displays your site in listings.
- meta name=”description” – Is the snippet that appears underneath the title tag on search engines results.
- meta name=”keywords” – Many sites no longer use this tag, but it’s worth checking to see if your competitors are using it.
From the above tags, you can get a fairly good feel for the type of keywords your competitors are using to promote their website.
Google Adwords
Sign up for a free Google AdWords account then visit https://adwords.google.com/ . Click the “Search for new keyword and ad group ideas” link. Use the information that we pulled from the source code view under the <keywords> or <meta> tags for a good start.

Keyword Planner
Use Chrome and add the extension \”Open SEO Stats(Formerly: PageRank Status)\”. After the extension is added, use the words or phrases that you pulled from the Google Adwords and enter each into the google search bar.
When you add the word or phrase an indicator will display to show you how many times that word or phrase has been searched for recently. Relevance is key for climbing the search result pages and attracting traffic to your site.
Stack the deck.
Give the search engine algorithm what it wants. The more time you can get your site to come up in searches, no matter what page the more relevant it will become and the search engine will place it higher in the results. Equations go like this {Content searched x number of hits x frequency between hits}.
Source Code Optimized for SEO
Source code isn’t scary. It’s simply the code that web browsers “read” to figure out how to display a webpage’s contents. Google and other search engines read your source code to find out what your site is about.
Title Tags
Ctrl+U – To view a page\’s title tag. Have one title tag per page. What you put in the title tag is basically how Google decides what’s going to be in search engine results.
Meta Descriptions
The meta description. This is a description of the page. Duplicating content here across pages doesn\’t hurt your rankings but you’re ruining your chance at taking advantage of free advertising. Copy and paste for now, then come back and fix when you get a chance.
Image Alt Tags
An Image Alt Tag is another tag that is extremely important, especially if you’re in eCommerce. It tells a search engine what an image is about and it helps your image become higher in the image search.